1. Special Guest Lecture: (同時通訳あり)
Tuesday, September 13,
Concord ABC
Induction of pluripotency by defined factors | Shinya Yamanaka (Japan) |
2. Opening Ceremony and Lecture: (同時通訳あり)
Saturday, September 10,
Concord ABC
A tribute to Robert Edwards - the pioneer of human IVF
Lecture: TBA |
Victor Gomel (Canada)
3. Plenary Sessions: (同時通訳あり)
Sunday, September 11,
Concord ABC
Plenary -1 The role of reproductive surgery in the era of
Plenary -2 Non-invasive assessment of embryo quality
Plenary -3 The prospect of embryonic stem cell research
Victor Gomel (Canada)
Zsolt Peter Nagy (USA)
Shin Yong Moon (Korea)
Monday, September 12,
Concord ABC
Plenary -4 Pre-implantation genetic diagnosis: an update
Plenary -5 Preservation of Fertility
Plenary -6 Recent advance of controlled ovarian
Alan Handyside (UK)
Sherman Silber (USA)
Klaus Diedrich (Germany)
Tuesday, September 13,
Concord ABC
Plenary -7 Advances in natural and mild stimulation cycle IVF
- Progress over the last 15 years
Clomid® ovarian stimulation for IVF and frozen ET
Plenary -8 Tending to male factor couples
Plenary -9 IVM for fertility treatment and preservation of
Osamu Kato (Japan)
John Zhang (USA)
Gianpiero D. Palermo (USA)
Seang Lin Tan (Canada)
4. Pre-Congress Workshops: (予定演題、演者)
Saturday, September 10,
Kato Ladies Clinic
1) Vitrification

(1) Lectures
1. Basic science of vitrification | Stanley Leibo (USA) |
2. Ovarian reserving (basic research) | Noriko Kagawa (Japan) |
3. Ovary Transplant: Ovary allotransplantation between
non-homozygous sisters: Success and failure, an
immunologic puzzle
| Sherman Silber (USA) |

(2) Live demonstration
4. The Cryotop® method | Masashige Kuwayama (Japan) |
2) Pre-implantation genetic diagnosis(PGD)

(1) Lectures
1. Overview | Kou Sueoka (Japan) |
2. PGD for single gene disorder | Suguru Sato (Japan) |
3. To PGD or not to PGD? How many oocytes are needed to
start PGD with? | Ilan Tur-Kaspa (USA) |

(2) Live demonstration
4. FISH technique of PGD for recurrent pregnancy loss | Naoki Aoyama (Japan) |
5. Concurrent Symposia: (予定演題、演者)
C-1 Management of PCO patients (1)
Sunday, September 11,
Concord A
1. PCO morphogenesis in view of pituitary-ovarian
androgenicity - a spectrum concept | Takahide Mori (Japan) |
2. Do phenotypic differences in PCOS affect fertility treatment
and outcomes? | Rogerio A. Lobo (USA) |
3. Laser assisted ICSI for oocytes matured in vitro from PCO
patients | Muchsin Jaffar (Indonesia) |
4. The use of GnRH antagonist in the controlled ovarian
stimulation for IVF in PCOS patients | Khaled Mahmoud (Tunisia) |
C-2 Management of PCO Patients (2)
Sunday, September 11,
Concord A
1. PCOS and aromatase inhibitors | Makio Shozu (Japan) |
2. How to get pregnancy in women with PCOS | Chii-Ruey Tzeng (Taiwan) |
3. ART Management in PCO | Tetsunori Mukaida (Japan) |
4. PCO and ovarian drilling | Timur Gürgan (Turkey) |
5. PCO and transvaginal hydrolaparoscopic ovarian drilling
(THLOD) | Hiroaki Shibahara (Japan) |
C-3 Controlled ovarian stimulation (1-1)
Sunday, September 11,
Concord A
1. Available tools to personalize ovarian stimulation - Dose
Prediction/Protocol selection |
Bruno Lunenfeld (Israel) |
2. Volumetric measurements of the follicular development | Maximilian Murtinger (Austria) |
3. Ovarian stimulation and endometrial receptivity | Pak-Chung Ho (Hong Kong) |
C-3 Controlled ovarian stimulation (1-2)
Sunday, September 11,
Concord A
4. Minimal ovarian stimulation (mini-IVF) for IVF utilizing
vitrification and cryopreserved embryo transfer
| John Zhang (USA) |
5. Poor responder patients undergoing IVF treatment | Svend Lindenberg (Denmark) |
6. Prediction and prevention of the ovarian hyperstimulation
syndrome (OHSS) - an evidence-based approach | Hassan Sallam (Egypt) |
7. What should we prefer the agonist or antagonist? | Zion Ben-Rafael (Israel) |
C-4 Treatment of benign tumor prior to IVF ET (1)
Sunday, September 11,
Concord B
1. Evidence-based management of endometriosis-associated
infertility | Hassan Sallam (Egypt) |
2. Surgery of endometriosis in infertility: state of the art ! | Issam Lebbi (Tunisia) |
3. Surgical management of recurrent endometrioma:
prior to IVF or not | Hiroshi Nabeshima (Japan) |
4. Management of hydrosalpinges prior to IVF-ET | Victor Gomel (Canada) |
C-5 Treatment of uterine myoma or adenomyosis prior to IVF ET (2)
Sunday, September 11,
Concord B
1. Surgery of intra-mural leiomyomas in infertile patients | Jean-Bernard Dubuisson (Switzerland) |
2. Surgery of Pregnant myomektomy during pregnancy | Yuji Hiramatsu (Japan) |
3. Uterine fibroids and IVF- what is the controversy? | Zion Ben-Rafael (Israel) |
4. A novel operative treatment of severe adenomyosis
prior to embryo transfer | Hisao Osada (Japan) |
5. Different surgical approaches for myomectomy and for
adenomyosis | Michael DeRosa (USA) |
C-6 Onco fertility: fertility preservation in women with malignant disease (1)
Sunday, September 11,
Concord B
1. The oncofertility: consequences of a previous
oncological treatments and possibilities |
Rufino Garcia-Otero Reina (Spain) |
2. Fertility preserving surgery for early cervical cancer | Werner Lichtenegger (Germany) |
3. Radical abdominal trachelectomy | Takuma Fujii (Japan) |
4. TBA | TBA |
C-7 Onco fertility: fertility preservation in women with malignant disease (2)
Sunday, September 11,
Concord B
1. Cryopreservation of human oocyte for cancer patients
in Japan | Shokichi Teramoto (Japan) |
2. Cryopreservation of human ovarian tissue, clinical data
scientific considerations | Claus Yding Andersen (Denmark) |
3. Conservative therapy for borderline ovarian cancer | Liong Tulusan (Germany) |
4. Infertility, ovulation induction treatments and the incidence
of breast, ovarian and endometrial cancers - thirty years of
follow up | Bruno Lunenfeld (Israel) |
C-8 ART-cryopreservation: Is oocyte cryopreservation a revolution in IVF?
Sunday, September 11,
Concord C
1. Highly efficient and safety vitrification using hydroxypropyl
cellulose as a macromolecular supplement for
cryopreservation of oocytes and blastocysts | Luis Arturo Ruvalcaba Castellón (Mexico) |
2. Role and possibility of vitrification in human oocyte | Masashige Kuwayama (Japan) |
3. Vitrification of human oocyte and PN zygotes | Safaa Al Hasani (Germany) |
4. Cryopreservation in human ART | Stanley Leibo (USA) |
C-9 Children follow up in ART (1)
Sunday, September 11,
Concord C
1. Evaluate the IVF success rates of accumulated pregnancy
rates per oocyte retrieval |
Jia-Yin Liu (China) |
2. Genetics and health of children born from cryopreserved
oocytes |
Ilan Tur-Kaspa (USA) |
3. Epigenetics and long-term health for ART children | Yukiko Katagiri (Japan) |
4. Pregnancy and child outcome after assisted reproductive
technologies | Dov Feldberg (Israel) |
C-10 Children follow up in ART (2)
Sunday, September 11,
Concord C
1. Just Twins? Perinatal data from multiple pregnancies | Peter Brockerhoff (Germany) |
2. Perinatal outcomes of ART pregnancies | Fethi Zhioua (Tunisia) |
3. Outcome of IVM babies | Ri-Cheng Chian (Canada) |
4. Perinatal outcome of vitrified human blastocysts in 10 years
experience(4483 attempted cycles) including the incidence
rate of monozygotic twinning | Tetsunori Mukaida (Japan) |
C-11 Laboratory advances in IVF (1)
Sunday, September 11,
Concord C
1. Novel embryo culturing and monitoring systems | Artur Bernard (Hungary) |
2. Effects of cumulus cells removal after 6 h co-incubation
of gametes on the outcomes of human IVF |
Guoning Huang (China) |
3. An integral view on therapeutic options and lab-techniques
for individualized therapy in IVF | Nicolas Zech (Austria) |
4. How to manage the modern IVF laboratory | Zsolt Peter Nagy (USA) |
C-12 Laboratory advances in IVF (2)
Sunday, September 11,
Hana A
1. Chemical substances exposure on IVF-ET environment | Tsunehisa Makino (Japan) |
2. Recent insights into the oocyte maturation in ART | Tae-Ki Yoon (Korea) |
3. Use of high concentrations of cryoprotectants: is it a
justified argument to prefer slow freezing instead of
vitrification? | Pierre Vanderzwalmen (Belgium) |
4. Embryo culture: Can we perform better than Nature? | Gábor Vajta (Australia) |
C-13 Controlled ovarian stimulation (2)
Monday, September 12,
Concord A
1. Superovulation/IUI - An alternative to IVF | Bill Yee (USA) |
2. Treatment of patients with high FSH with delayed
stimulation using low dose gonadotrophins | Milton Leong (Hong Kong) |
3. Use of hCG in ovarian stimulation | Johan Smitz (Belgium) |
4. Follicle stimulation by transdermal application of FSH | Herbert Zech (Austria) |
C-14 Clinical outcomes; toward a more successful IVM
Monday, September 12,
Concord A
1. IVM application in PCOS patients | Qiao Jie (China) |
2. Oocyte maturation from tiny follicles in human ovarian
tissues | Shu Hashimoto (Japan) |
3. Natural cycle combined with IVM | Jin-Ho Lim (Korea) |
4. The effective approach for IVM using Metformin | Aisaku Fukuda (Japan) |
5. Clincal implications of IVM | Svend Lindenberg (Denmark) |
C-15 Advances in basic research and laboratory techniques in IVM
Monday, September 12,
Concord A
1. IVM: learning from IVM ? | Nelly A. Frydman (France) |
2. Quality evaluation of human and mouse IVM oocyte &
embryo and epigenesis for IVM babies | Hiroaki Yoshida (Japan) |
3. Lessons from the mouse follicle culture and in vitro
maturation models | Johan Smitz (Belgium) |
4. Laboratory aspect of natural cycle IVF/ IVM treatment | Ri-Cheng Chian (Canada) |
5. Cytoplasmic maturation and mitochondrial activity
in human IVM | Yoshiharu Morimoto (Japan) |
C-16 Embryo development and competency from activation to implantation
Monday, September 12,
Concord B
1. Morphological aspect | Nelly A. Frydman (France) |
2. Early embryo development: what's critical | Moncef Benkhalifa (France) |
3. Implantation window | Atsushi Azumaguchi (Japan) |
4. Luteal phase support | Svend Lindenberg (Denmark) |
5. Predictors of IVF outcome with a particular interest
in the amount of gonadotropin administered | Peter Kovacs (Hungary) |
C-17 ART-Gamete manipulation
Monday, September 12,
Concord B
1. Whole ooplasmic replacement in Germinal Vesicle
oocytes | Akiko Yabuuchi (Japan) |
2. Dynamic genome function | Moncef Benkhalifa (France) |
3. Advanced ART for oocyte rejuvenation: chromosome
transfer in mature human oocytes | Atsushi Tanaka (Japan) |
4. TBA | TBA |
C-18 Update on male infertility IMSI/ ICSI/ MD-TESE/ PGD
Monday, September 12,
Concord B
1. Male infertility | Sherman Silber (USA) |
2. TBA (MD-TESE) | Atsumi Yoshida (Japan) |
3. IMSI: already 8 years in ART practice. Where do we stand? | Pierre Vanderzwalmen (Belgium) |
C-19 AMH: Is it essential for assessing ovarian reserve
Monday, September 12,
Concord C
1. AMH | Yoshimasa Asada (Japan) |
2. Chronological aging VS biological aging: AMH as an early
marker of biological aging | Budi Wiweko (Indonesia) |
3. POF and AMH | Bunpei Ishizuka (Japan) |
4. Dynamic serum AMH levels and AMH-related gene
expression in human ovarian follicles | Hsin-Fu Chen (Taiwan) |
C-20 The role of ART in international development
Monday, September 12,
Concord C
1. Implantation of the fertility assistance program after the
Wenchuan earthquake in China | Shangwei Li (China) |
2. Cross-border cryo-shipping of vitrified embryos(CCVE):
the newest ART success story | Gautam Allahbadia (India) |
3. Cross-border Reproductive Care: Exploitation or opportunity
in the Global Quest for a Baby? | Daniel S. Seidman |
4. Vouchers for health: A demand side output-based aid
approach to reproductive health services. A model to pay
for infertility services? | Claus Peter Janisch (Germany) |
5. Global challenge and perspectives | Sheryl Vanderpoel (Switzerland) |
6. Affordable IVF: low cost IVF | Willem Ombelet (Belgium) |
C-21 Repeated implantation failure: how to improve implantation in ART
Tuesday, September 13,
Concord A
1. How to improve implantation in ART: novel approaches | Yael Gonen (Israel) |
2. Studies on the efficacy of immunotherapy using paternal
mononuclear cells for unexplained recurrent miscarriages,
and possible efficacy of the treatment for recurrent IVF-ET
failure | Kouichi Takakuwa (Japan) |
3. Improvement of implantation rates using autologous
peripheral blood mononuclear cells | Hiroshi Fujiwara (Japan) |
5. Prevention infertility failure for the antiphosopholipid
syndrome | Moritoshi Seki (Japan) |
C-22 Pre-implantation genetic screening: an update
Tuesday, September 13,
Concord B
1. PGD for recurrent pregnancy loss | Atsushi Tanaka (Japan) |
2. Polar body analysis in clinical practice as compared to
pre-embryo morphology for selection of the best for transfer | Wilfried Feichtinger (Austria) |
3. PGD outcome and alternatives for single gene disorder | Kou Sueoka (Japan) |
4. Preimplantation genetic diagnosis for aneuploidy using
whole genome amplification and microarray comparative
genomic hybridization | Alan Handyside (UK) |
C-23 Stem cell and fertility preservation: Where are we at with stem cells?
Tuesday, September 13,
Concord C
1. Pluripotent stem cell as a source of germ cells: Is it still
a fiction? | Anis Feki (Switzerland) |
2. Human ES cell and iPS cell derivation: Clinical applications
and biological characterization | Hidenori Akutsu (Japan) |
3. Development of pluripotent stem cells to female germ cells | Hsin-Fu Chen (Taiwan) |
4. Testicular stem cells as sources of fertility preservation
and cell therapy | Kwang Yul Cha (Korea) |
5. In vitro production of functional sperm in cultured neonatal
mouse testes | Takehiko Ogawa (Japan) |
6. STGO Session by the Tunisian Society of Gynecology and Obstetrics
(Coordinators: Khaled Mahmoud, Fethi Zhioua, Issam Lebbi)
Challenging issues in ART (1)
Monday, September 12,
Concord C
Chairpersons: Hedi Khairi, Anis Feki, Houcine Maaouni
1. How to manage hyper-response to COS in IVF | Youssef Boutaleb (Morocco) |
2. How to manage poor-responders? | René Frydman (France) |
3. The thin endometrium in ART: What to do? | Amina Oumziane (Algeria) |
Challenging issues in ART (2)
Monday, September 12,
Concord C
Chairpersons: Mahmoud Kharouf, Moise Fiadjoe, Nabil Ben Zineb
1. How to treat the female causes of repeated implantation
failure? | Khaled Terras (Tunisia) |
2. How to manage the sperm damage after ICSI failure? | Moncef Benkhalifa (France) |
3. How to improve laboratory procedures to enhance
implantation? | Ghaya Merdassi (Tunisia) |
7. ISF Session by the Israeli Society of Fertility
Monday, September 12,
Concord B
(Coordinator: Daniel Seidman)
Chairpersons: Ariel Hourwitz and Ronit Kochman
1. Fertility enhancement in patients with adenomyosis using
MRI guided HIFUS | Yaron Rabinovici (Israel) |
2. Gonadotropin-releasing hormone agonist trigger:
the way to eliminate ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome | Shahar Kol (Israel) |
3. From endometrial injury to IMSI: New approaches for
repeated IVF failure | Martha Dirnfeld (Israel) |
4. High ART success rates when financial constraints are
completely lifted | Daniel Seidman (Israel) |
5. Fertility preservation in cancer patients using stored
ovarian tissue: clinical aspects | Joshuah Dor (Israel) |
6. Utilization of human embryonic stem cell-derived tissues:
new horizons | Joseph Itskovitz-Eldor (Israel) |
8. APART Session: MSCs - From basic research to clinical applications
Monday, September 12,
Hana A
1. Clinical efficacy of adipose MSCs in human | Byung-Rok Do (Korea) |
2. Human lipoaspiration | Ken Nakama (Japan) |
3. Vitrification of adipose MSCs | Noriko Kagawa (Japan) |
4. Preparation of adipose-derived stem cells | Rie Yamadera (Japan) |
5. Discussion about clinical applications of adipose MSCs | Yuji Takehara (Japan) |
9. Oral communications
10. Poster Sessions
11. Luncheon Seminars
Luncheon Seminar 1
Sunday, September 11,
Concord A
TBA | Atsushi Tanaka (Japan) |
Luncheon Seminar 2
Sunday, September 11,
Concord B
TBA | Naoaki Kuji (Japan) |
Luncheon Seminar 3
Sunday, September 11,
Concord C
TBA | Hiroshi Morita (Japan) |
Luncheon Seminar 4
Monday, September 12,
Concord A
The role of AMH in female reproduction |
Budi Wiweko (Indonesia) |
Luncheon Seminar 5
Monday, September 12,
Concord B
Fertility tourism in the U.S. | John Zhang (USA) |